More Survivor Series *SPOILERS*, Why Are There 'Dirtsheet' Sites?

As noted earlier, Jeff Hardy is expected to be selling the injuries on tonight's Survivor Series show. There is a lot of speculation this will lead to an Edge vs. Jeff Hardy feud, as Edge will be the culprit. While this feud is not confirmed, there was talk of Edge vs. Hardy at Royal Rumble, and Edge flew from Tampa to Boston last night for the show tonight.

Edge was greeted by WWE fans at the airport and was seen with a shaggy beard.

Last week, Demien Damento did a video asking why there were these 'dirtsheet' sites when anyone could go to,, or any of the official promotions websites for the news. Well, this is a classic example of why you can come here and get more extensive updates. WWE flat out lied (yes, it's a storyline) on their website and tried to 'break' a major story. Of course, it's all a storyline and the only place you'll be able to find that information out is on a 'dirtsheet' site like this. Do you think WWE is going to reveal that it's a storyline on their website later today? Of course not! And for those who say we take the fun out of wrestling with the backstage news, the answer to that is simply don't read what we write if you feel that way. We're not forcing any of this stuff down your throats. I felt this was a good time to answer the question as this is a classic example of why 'dirtsheet' sites like this one exist.

