Report: 10+ TNA Contracts Expiring In Spring 2009
Spring 2009 could end up being an interesting time for TNA as many contracts will be up for numerous talents. WWE has shown interest in a few TNA guys whose deals will be expiring around this time as well. The expectation is that if an offer from WWE is on the table for some guys that they will jump at the chance to make the move.
It has been confirmed that Rhino's contract with TNA is set to expire sometime next year. Spring 2009 will be a key period for the company as reportedly, about ten contracts are set to expire.
And as a reminder, Kurt Angle's contract with TNA comes up next September. It's interesting to note that he's been a lot more complementary towards WWE, Vince McMahon & Triple H in media interviews in recent months — a complete 180 from his previous comments. He filmed a shoot interview with RF Video in September and praised WWE quite a bit.