Suspended WWE Star Returns, Estrada/WWE Update, Y2J, & More
? In addition to Melina, recently suspended WWE star Dolph Ziggler made his return to the ring at last night's Florida Championship Wrestling taping. He lost to Johnny Curtis. Ziggler's suspension for his first violation of WWE's drug testing policy expired this past Saturday.
? In other news from the FCW taping, Armando Estrada, who hasn't appeared on television much in recent weeks, wrestled in a tag match, teaming with Lawrence Knight & Tyson Tarver in a win over Yamamoto, Kafu & Johnny Prime. Ricky Ortiz defeated the yet to debut Kizarny in a singles match. WWE didn't run a vignette on him last week and he does not make his debut on the next episodes of SmackDown (WWE taped the next two episodes of SmackDown in England this past Tuesday). Infrequently seen SmackDown wrestler Scotty Goldman also appeared at the show, teaming with Kevin Kiley to beat Mike Kruel & Kaleb O'Neal. The FCW tag team champions DH Smith & TJ Wilson were in the main event once again, defeating Joe Hennig & Sebastian Slater. There was also a Diva Limbo Contest, which saw Alicia Fox beat a number of indistinguishable Divas.
? As noted earlier, Jim Ross' latest SmackDown This! column is up, which you can read at He talks about his trip overseas to England, tonight's Jeff Hardy vs. Undertaker match on SmackDown, The Brian Kendrick, The Great Khali, John Cena's return, Brock Lesnar's UFC fight tomorrow night, and more. Ross also spoke out on the Divas locker room. Ross said: "Did you know that WWE Divas have backstage "Kliques" and that there is a pecking order as to who gets in the make-up chair first and can stay the longest? Things aren't always what they seem, ladies and gentlemen, amongst the lovely ladies of Friday Night SmackDown."
? The WWE site is running a poll for a new Chris Jericho T-Shirt.