Editorial: Hittin' The Ropes "Predictions" - WWE Armageddon
World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
[Prediction: I see Cena retaining the title tonight. The ratings are back up with him as champion and I don't think they'll take the belt off of him anytime soon. Plus, they already did a quick change with Batista's title reign. Look for an Orton/Legacy attack after the match to set up a new feud between Cena & Orton.]
WWE Championship: Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H (Triple Threat)
[Prediction: This might be the hardest choice out of all the matches tonight but I still see Edge retaining the belt tonight. I don't know how they could make Hardy take the clean pinfall without killing all of his momentum so look for a screwy finish that will lead to a Hardy Royal Rumble bid.]
Batista vs. Randy Orton
[Prediction: Orton will either pick up this win by cheating or Batista will take the victory by DQ. I don't think they'll job out Orton before his main event program and Legacy is still too new to take a straight loss.]
ECW Champion Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov
[Prediction: I honestly cannot see Hardy winning this match. Throw that on top of the fact this is a non-title match and there is no doubt in my mind that Kozlov wins cleanly.]
Finlay vs. Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl)
[Prediction: This match should be pretty brutal but Henry will be coming out on top. The most likely scenario sees Finlay losing the match because of having to save Hornswoggle once again. I would not be surprised to see a Finlay heel turn tonight.]
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk (Intercontinental Title Tournament Finals)
[Prediction: Creative has been high on CM Punk lately so it's likely he will get the win. Couple that with the Tag Title loss and I think the result of this match is pretty obvious. Look for a Mike Knox appearance, maybe costing Rey the match.]
8 Diva Santa's Helpers Match
[Prediction: This match is on the card because there was no T&A and to complete Michelle McCool's heel turn. Her angle has gone widely unnoticed and I am surprised they have dragged it out as long as they have.]
Final Thoughts: With only one gimmick match on the final PPV of the year, WWE is banking on their top talent being able to deliver quality wrestling matches. The WWE Championship match and IC Title tournament finals should deliver but the others are largely unknown. I personally do not have high hopes for the card but I've been surprised before.
So what do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let me know! I want to know you're reading and what your thoughts are on this as well as on the past "Hittin' The Ropes" articles. You can email me at hittintheropes@yahoo.com or head over to HittinTheRopes.paidtoblog.com and leave me comments after the articles as well as catch up on all my reviews of the shows.