Hurricane Helms, More On Big TNA Surprise, Batista, Cena, Y2J, More

Shelly Lenay sent this in: Hurricane Helms has a new blog up at either or

Jay McDonnell sent this in: Hey – seen a commercial announcing the return to Monday Night Raw here in Pittsburgh in the next week or so at the Mellon Arena and the main even is listed as a triple threat match: Batista vs Jericho vs Cena.

During last night's TNA Impact, the company teased a mobile alert in regards to a mystery person that will be in Kurt Angle's corner this Sunday at Final Resolution in his match with Rhino with Mick Foley acting as special enforcer. The mobile alert stated that the person was a former World Champion who once held a tag team title with Mick Foley. Foley's past tag team title partners include The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane, Terry Funk, Kevin Sullivan (who never held a World Title) and Mikey Whipwreck. So one would think it would most likely be either Funk or Whipwreck if they go through with the tease. The original plan was to bring back Frank Trigg for the angle, but plans were changed due to a scheduling conflict and TNA was working on a replacement this week.

Next week's WWE Armageddon PPV on December 14 has sold around 9,000 tickets and is said to be doing fine, but it doesn't appear the show will be selling out.

