JBL Blogs, Armando Estrada & Braden Walker Updates, More

John Bradshaw Layfield has a new blog entry on the WWE Universe site, but does not bring up the incident with Joey Styles. Instead, Layfield says he will send people his Layfield Energy product for free because he believes it will change their lives. At one point, Layfield weighed 330 pounds. He then took a product he personally developed and felt good for the first time since he remembered. "I got up one morning after that, weighing 330 pounds, and realized I needed to do something because I didn't like the way I looked or how I fel. So I took the product I developed; Layfield's Energy-Plus No Pain and Focus, and went across the street to do cardio at my local gym here in NYC. For the first time since I could remember I felt good, I didn't hurt and I had energy," Layfield wrote. "I repeated the process the next day. Same thing happened. After about six months when I finally weighed in below 250 pounds, I realized I was on to something. My concoction of Layfield Energy was, in my opinion, the fountain of youth." Layfield has lost 100 pounds and he plans on doing a photo session later this month documenting his 100 pound weight loss. Layfield added, "I want you to try it too. I am so convinced it will make your life better that I will send you some for free. That is how much I believe in this product. I will send it to you for FREE! Go to www.layfieldenergy.com and check it out now. I can tell you from personal experience a better life is to be had for those who try Layfield's Energy."

Recently released former on-air ECW General Manager Armando Estrada is scheduled to make an appearance this Saturday in Puerto Rico. Estrada will be appearing at World Wrestling Council's (WWC Abdullah the Butcher retirement show in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Other stars scheduled to appear at the event include Carlito & Primo Colon, Team 3D, TNA referee Shane Sewell, Sabu, former WWE wrestler Balls Mahoney, and Steve Corino.

Former ECW Superstar Braden Walker (Chris Harris) is taking bookings. Individuals interested in booking the undefeated former WWE Superstar can contact catbookings@yahoo.com.

