Christian/WWE Update, JBL To Address HBK On RAW Tonight, More

>> As previously reported, TNA iMPACT! on 1/22 scored a 1.1 cable rating. The episode did a 0.83 in M18-49, a 0.62 in P18-49, a 0.82 in M18-34, and an average audience of 1.6 million viewers. Last week's show posted quarter hours of: 1.08, 1.08, 1.11, 1.13, 1.19, 1.14, 1.07, and 1.15.


>> John Bradshaw Layfield has a new blog on the WWE Universe site and he briefly comments on his angle with Shawn Michaels. "Shawn Michaels didn't exactly get the job done yesterday, that will be addressed tonight on Raw," Layfield wrote.

He also talks about his meet-and-greet appearance in Louisville tomorrow following tonight's Raw in Cleveland. "I'll be down at Danny Davis arena tomorrow with my good friend Danny Davis for OVW in Louisville, looking forward to being down there," Layfield wrote. "One of the reasons I got into shape was because I met Tracy Beckham there and she helped me learn about nutrition, I went from an old fat football player to world champion with her guidance."


>> From what I can tell from talking to several people today, Christian Cage was not backstage at the Royal Rumble PPV last night. That's interesting because I had heard his start date was at the Royal Rumble PPV. I know that plans also called for him to be a part of the Jeff Hardy angle but those plans were all heavily edited within the past week or so. I still expect Christian to somehow be a part of that angle in the coming weeks though.

