New WWE Reality Show? Santino Breaks Record is reporting that the creative team of World Wrestling Entertainment is throwing around ideas of a reality series
. There is a possibility that it will be a twist of WWE's original reality series "Tough Enough" concept. A source described the proposed concepts as "Tough Enough Reboot".


Vince McMahon has gone back and forth on whether to put developmental wrestlers or proven stars in the program, so at this time, the show isn't "locked in". The idea had been brought up months ago, but talks have increased recently leading many to believe that the talks have become serious.

– An interesting note regarding last night's Royal Rumble Battle Royal, Santino Marella broke a record last night. Marella is now record holder for the shortest time in the ring. Marella was eliminated in 1 second. Previous wrestlers who held the record included The Warlord who was eliminated in 2 seconds, and the late Owen Hart who was eliminated in 3 seconds.

