Orton Botches Rumble Celebration, Jack Swagger Talks Wrestling, More

>> Reader "Dave" sent in the following... "I noticed that Randy Orton botched the pyro ending of the rumble. He stood by the ropes for a while pointing at the WM25 sign expecting the pyro to go off but nothing happened. He then moved to the middle of the ring and tried pointing again before the ref came up and told him 'up on the ropes'. He then climbed the turnbuckle and did the pose again while the pyro went off to close the show."


>> In one of Jack Swagger's first public interviews since joining the main WWE roster, the ECW champion says wrestling has always been in his blood. "I've done some form of wrestling since I was six," Swagger told The Southern newspaper. "I idolized it as a kid. In college I was really focused on getting a degree. This came up (WWE) and it was like destiny. I jumped at it." He adds, "I'm just trying to take the ball and run with it now. I feel really comfortable in that ring. I've been competing nearly all my life."

Swagger also talks about his amateur wrestling career and people comparing him to Brock Lesnar. You can read the interview at SouthernIllinoisan.com

