WWE RAW Results (1/12) - Y2J Chris Jericho Fired!
Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, January 12th, 2008 (USA Network)
Location: The Tyson Events Center in Sioux City, IA
Results by 411Mania.com
-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler
-We open with JBL and Shawn inside JBL's limo. JBL tells Shawn he's competing against Cena tonight and then its on to Wrestlemania. JBL says he knows Shawn thinks it could have been him, but he fell on hard times. He tells him tonight he's not fighting for a title, but for his employer. JBL tells him tonight he can consider this his Wrestlemania. Shawn shoots him a disgusted look as JBL leaves the limo.
-Stephanie McMahon joins us to tell us we're two weeks from the Royal Rumble. She says we're looking forward to the Rumble and also to next week when her father returns to Raw. She begins to suck up to Dad when Chris Jericho interrupts. Jericho informs her that she is a liar. He says she's no worse than the hypocrites in the arena. He tells Steph she is scared to death of her Dad's return because she's not running the show anymore. Jericho says when Vince returns he will listen to Jericho's protest and remove JBL and insert Jericho into the title match. Jericho goes on to say Vince knows how to run this show. Stephanie tells him Raw is her show. Stephanie says her dad supports her. Jericho asks her if he supported her decision to make Mike Adamle the GM. He says Adamle lowered the bar so far that he made Steph seem competent by example. Stephanie corrects him by saying Adamle was Shane's call. She goes on to tell him if he spent as much time worrying about his career as he did her leadership skills maybe he'd still be World Champion. Stephanie says the World Title contract is done and will be signed next week in the ring. She tells him to focus on the Royal Rumble because thats the closest to the title he's going to get. She starts to tell him he has a match tonight, but Jericho interrupts saying he will not compete until the title is on the line. He says he's above that. Stephanie angerly shoots back that he's not above that or anyone else in the arena. Jericho says he's done talking to her, because she's a lame duck. The real McMahon is coming back next week. She tells him its not next week its this week and she's still in charge. He asks her what she's gonna do about it? Stephanie informs him that he lost his chance to compete in the Rumble and that he'll never compete for the World Title. Jericho says he doesn't give a damn what she says. Stephanie tells him to give a damn about this and informs him that he's FIRED! She walks off and Y2J is left with a blank stare.
-In the back Jericho is escorted from the building by security.
The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio
Cole confirms that Miz is in the Royal Rumble match. Miz grabs a side headlock and sends Mysterio down with a shoulderblock. Following a leapfrog Mysterio gets a dropkick. Miz tries a corner charge but runs into the boot of Mysterio. Miz catches Mysterio out of the corner and slams him into the turnbuckle. That is followed up by a running knee to the chin of Mysterio picking up two. Miz grabs a double arm submission which Mysterio fights out of. Miz quickly regains control by driving Mysterio's face to the mat picking up a two count. Miz tries a backdrop but gets kicked in the face instead. That allows Mysterio to hit the springboard seated senton for a two count. Mysterio hits a drop toehold to set up a 619 but that misses. Rey gets backdropped over the top, but lands on the apron. Rey tries for a springboard sunset flip but Miz counters into his own pin combo for two. Rey counters out of a backslide attempt with an armdrag. That sets up a hurracanrana into the ropes. 619 and springboard splash finishes for Rey. Any doubt who WWE views as the future star of Miz and Morrison after that? Mike Knox attacks Mysterio after the bell which is becoming a Raw tradition. Mysterio ends up fighting him off this time by fighting him off and sending him back to the floor with a hurracanrana.
Winner: Rey Mysterio (Pinfall-Springboard Splash *1/2)
-Candice Michelle is talking about Vince coming back. CM Punk is shown as the guy she is talking to, but he's paying no attention as he's focused on his IC Title match, which is next.
-A video hyping Vince's return is shown. Lots of clips of announcer Vince are shown, most of this is recycled from the McMahon DVD.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match/DQ Title Change Rule Waived: CM Punk vs. William Regal (c) (w. Layla)
Stephanie was very clear about Regal being Disqualified costing him the title. She said nothing about count outs. Next week Raw is in Punk's hometown. Do the math. Regal is back to wearing that absurd top on his wrestling gear. Punk takes Regal down with a shoulderblock. Punk ducks a European uppercut into a backslide, but Regal escapes even a one count. Punk grabs a side headlock, but Regal powers out sending Punk into the buckle. Punk gets a headlock takedown and gets a one count. Regal is sent into the buckle and hits a bulldog. Cole says "Jericho could be closing in on the Championship." Say Steph, I think you fired the wrong guy. Punk follows Regal in the corner but gets taken down to the 2nd turnbuckle. Regal pounds away in the corner but when coming in Regal gets a shot the lower abdominal. The ref thinks thats a low blow and DQ's Punk. Well that was less predictible, and a hell of a lot more stupid than just doing the count out. Guys punch and kick all day with nothing but warnings but a borderline low blow that was unintentional is a DQ? Okay then.
Winner: STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: William Regal (Disqualification-Low Blow *)
-Mickie James and Cody Rhodes are in the back. Mickie is complaining about the blizzard. Me too dear. Cody doesn't even know why they have to be in Iowa. Manu and Sim Snuka interrupt. They're angry that Rhodes betrayed them. Cody asks why they're taking this so personally, and if they were in his shoes they'd have done the same thing. Manu tells him they're taking Orton tonight and he's either with them or against them. He says they brought back up. Another second generation star who feels the same way they do.
-Todd Grisham meets up with William Regal. He says he's satisfied this challenge is over. Stephanie interrupts and says she's not satisfied. Since they're even up one and one they'll meet next week in a no DQ match. Wow, didn't see that coming.
-Stone Cold Steve Austin is announced as the first inductee of the 2009 WWE Hall of Fame. A great video tribute to him is shown. Next to Hogan there is not a single man who is more deserving of a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame. A perfect choice to headline the class at a Texas Wrestlemania.
-JBL asks Shawn what he thinks, is Steph going to still be in charge when they get to Wrestlemania. He mentions Jericho getting fired, but tells Shawn not to worry about him because he took care of his money. He tells Shawn he can't lose tonight with him is corner. Shawn tells JBL that if this is his Wrestlemania he won't need JBL in his corner to beat Cena. What about Wrestlemania 23? He says he's going to prove once again why he's the headliner, the showstopper, and the main event.
-More Vince hype is shown. Its a "you're fired" montage. In what I'm sure was simply a coincidence the first two guys shown being fired are Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. Completely by chance I'm sure.
-Mike Knox vs. Rey Mysterio is announced for next week.
Kane vs. Randy Orton (w. Cody Rhodes)
Orton attacks quickly pounding away at Kane in the corner. The ref pulls him off and that allows Kane to come back with an uppercut and an elbow. Kane pounds away in the corner with a kick, punch, and back elbow. Kane follows that up by clotheslining Orton to the floor as we head to break. Back from commercial with Orton in control with a side headlock. Kane fights to his feet but Orton pounds him back with a series of punches followed by a boot the face. Orton stands over Kane allowing Kane to fire back with an uppercut. It only stuns Orton who comes back with a boot the face. Knee drop by Orton is followed by a series of stomps getting one. Orton maintains control by raking Kane's eyes with his boot. Orton stomps away at the midsection of Kane before grabbing another headlock. Kane is able to fight of that suplexing his way out of it. Kane fires away with right hands followed by a big boot. A whip to the corner is followed by a pair of clotheslines for Orton. Sidewalk slam picks up two for Kane. Kane goes for the chokeslam but Orton kicks his way out of that. Swinging neckbreaker sets up an RKO attempt, but Kane counters out of it. Kane goes to the top rope but is met with a one legged dropkick. Orton goes for the cover and Kane gets the shoulder up at two but referee Scott Armstrong counts three anyway. Kane chases Armstrong out. Thats certainly interesting. I can't be the only one who is thinking Armstrong is technically second generation am I?
Winner: Randy Orton (Pinfall-One Legged Dropkick *1/4)
-Manu and Snuka come out to ask Cody if he's with them or against them. They bring out their backup, and its Ted Dibiase. The four circle Orton in the ring, but Dibiase turns on Manu and Snuka. Orton, Rhodes, and Dibiase beat down Manu and Snuka. Orton asks Rhodes which one he wants. Cody picks Sim and delivers a roll of the dice to him. Dibiase takes out Manu with the Million Dollar Dream slam. Crowd gives them a mixed reaction bordering on a face pop, which probably wasn't exactly the desired reaction, but at least the group is over.
-Recap of Jericho getting fired is shown.
-Todd Grisham is with John Cena. Cena says he knows all about the Royal Rumble after he snuck in and won last year. He says the Rumble is the most exciting, unpredictible event of the year. He says this year he has to defend against JBL. He says regardless of what you think of JBL he is a former WWE Champion, and has been responsible for some of his most brutal matches. He says JBL has bought himself the best, and now Shawn is firmly entrenched in JBL's camp. He says tonight he has to compete against Shawn in his Wrestlemania. So be it says the champ.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall vs. Kelly Kelly & Melina
Rosa Mendez attacks Melina before the bell as she snuck in this week dressed as one of Melina's paparazzi. Security escorts her out, as Kelly goes to assist. That allows Beth and Jillian to attack in the aisle. Beth slams Melina into the barricade. Melina popped out!! Whoa momma, she's so damn HOT! Jillian gets a camera for Beth who takes Melina's picture in the aisle. Match is cancelled I guess?
No Match
-More Vince hype, this time we see Vince being inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
-Cole & Lawler run down the Royal Rumble card as it stands now. If you're scoring at home we've got the Rumble Match, Jeff Hardy vs. Edge, JBL vs. John Cena, & Melina vs. Beth Phoenix
-Orton is with Dibiase and Rhodes. Orton says when he kicked Ted in the head he was just knocking some sense into him. Orton says they both proved they want to be part of the Legacy. Dibiase says the past is the past, and its on to the Royal Rumble. Dibiase says they're all in the Rumble, but Orton reminds them there can only be one winner.
-The Job Squad of Jamie Noble, Dolph Ziggler, Goldust and Cryme Tyme wait outside Stephanie's office to try to persuade her to give them a spot in the Rumble. Santino emerges from the office to tell them he has gotten a spot. Dolph takes the opportunity to introduce himself to Jamie, but gets rebuffed.
Shawn Michaels (w. JBL) vs. John Cena
Shawn comes out in JBL's limo and with JBL's music which is a nice touch. They play "Sexy Boy" when he gets out of the limo. Personally I would have played JBL's music the whole way, that would add to the heat. Thats a minor complaint. My clock shows we've still got a half hour left. Thats a good sign. Hopefully these two can save a show that has been criminally short on wrestling. History has shown have the ability to deliver a classic when given proper time. Cena offers a pre match hand which is granted by Shawn, and with that we go to break.
Bell rings as we return from break, so we didn't miss anything. Shawn grabs arm bar and takes Shawn over. Cena counters out with a head scissor. Shawn takes Cena down again with a headlock, and again its countered with the head scissor. They do the spot a third time, but this time Shawn is frustrated and shoves off Cena. That is met with a clothesline from Cena. Shawn grabs an armbar, which Cena counters out with an elbow. Cena delivers a hiptoss and drop toehold. He tries for the STF, but Shawn counters. Sweet Chin Music is threatened but Cena ducks out of the way. Lockup into the corner sees Shawn take control with a pair of vicious chops. Cena turns that around with a series of fists. Shawn again turns that around with chops. Cena reverses a whip into the corner and catches Shawn with a backdrop. Cena then sends Shawn to the floor with a backdrop over the top. Shawn catches Cena on his way back in dropping his head on the top rope. That allows Shawn to gain control with a stomp and a kick to the face. Elbow drop by Shawn is followed with another series of chops. Cena again reverses a whip attempt by Shawn and hits a pair of clotheslines. A whip by Cena does work as Shawn goes crashing into the corner. Cena hits a bulldog for two. Fisherman's Suplex attempt is countered by Shawn allowing him to lock in a figure four. Cena rolls it over and Shawn then breaks the hold. Shawn rams Cena into the turnbuckle. A third whip attempt by Shawn again fails as again he's reversed into the corner, this time landing on the top rope. Kick by Cena from there sets up an FU attempt. Shawn counters out of that but runs into kick. Blockbuster by Cena sends him to the top rope for a legdrop attempt. Shawn moves out of the way and that allows Shawn to lock in a crossface. Cena tries to power to his feet, but Shawn was able to settle back and bring Cena back to the ground still in the hold. Cena eventually is able to drag himself to the ropes to break the hold. Shawn kicks Cena to the floor as we head to break.
HBK fights out of the bear hug with an elbow and gets to his feet. They trade blows and Cena locks the bear hug on again. Cena rams HBK into the corner but runs into HBK's boot. They trade chops and right hands. Big shoulder by HBK off the ropes knocks them both down. Both men get up and HBK nails the inverted atomic drop. Cena runs the ropes and nails a big shoulder. Cena goes for a back drop but HBK turns it into a 2 count. Scoop slam by HBK and he climbs to the top rope. HBK is met at the top by Cena's right hand. Cena lifts HBK on his shoulders but HBK drops him off the top on his head and holds it for a 2 count. Cena landed oddly on his neck.
HBK goes back to the top for the elbow drop but Cena rolls out of the way. JBL paces around ringside. Cena climbs to the top now and nails the big leg drop on HBK. Cena tells JBL he can't see him and drops the Five Knuckle Shuffle on HBK. Cena lifts HBK on his shoulders for the FU but HBK turns it into a DDT. Close 2 count by HBK. HBK goes back up top and nails the big elbow drop. HBK gets ready for Sweet Chin Music as Cena tries to get up. Cena ducks the big kick and Cena nails the FU, or whatever they're calling it, on HBK for another close 2 count.
JBL looks worried at ringside. Cena gets to his feet but HBK hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere. HBK covers Cena for another very close 2 count. Cena scoops HBK on his shoulders again but HBK rolls him for a 2 count. Cena with a drop toe hold and then he locks the STF on HBK, right infront of JBL. JBL leans on the rope and HBK gets to it, forcing Cena to break the hold. HBK is down as Cena gets to his feet. HBK turns around and gets lifted on Cena's shoulders again. JBL distracts Cena and HBK nails the Sweet Chin Music for the pinfall and the win.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
After the match, HBK rolls out of the ring and staggers to the back. JBL enters the ring where Cena is still laying on his back. JBL just stands over Cena and looks at him as we get replays of the match. JBL just looks at Cena with his hands on his hips as RAW goes off the air.