Breaking: Hulk Hogan Undergoes Back Surgery; Details

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk HOgan underwent back surgery last week which leaves his status for a possible Wrestlemania 25 match very unlikely. Hogan had previously spoken with Vince McMahon in February, but said they were unable to agree on a Wrestlemania appearance. It isn't known what kind of back surgery he had, but generally after any surgery done on the back, doctors will require the patient wait at least six weeks before becoming active again.


Also, as an update, the Twitter posts that were attributed to Hogan that generated a lot of media attention were made by an impostor.

Also, we just created a brand spanking new Facebook group for fans of We encourage all of you to join, and have just started a couple of discussion threads. One of the discussions is about who you want to see Chris Jericho face at WrestleMania 25. Click here to join our group and to let us know who you'd like to see Jericho face.

