Cena Still Says No To Steroids, CM Punk, More Cena Notes

John Cena was on Sean Hannity's Fox News show last night as a panelist. A clip of 12 Rounds was shown, Cena then discussed learning him lines for the movie, the possible deportation of President Obama's Aunt and if wrestling was real or not. There was no mention of WrestleMania.


WFAN AM Sport's Radio's Booomer and Carlton Show interviewed John Cena this morning. Cena talked about the usual, hyping 12 Rounds, and once again stating that he has never done steroids.

The Chicago-Sun Times recently interviewed CM Punk, discussing the new WWE Encyclopedia, borrowing the GTS from KENTA, and starring in a film, ala John Cena. You can check out the full article at https://www.suntimes.com/

