Heyman's Mother Passes Away, Danielson/ROH Speech, & More

Paul Heyman's mother, Sulamita Heyman, passed away yesterday morning at the age of 81. She had been in poor health in recent months. Sulamita was a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust. We send our condolences to Paul and his family.

Kevin Von Erich is now a grandfather as his daughter Jill gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday.

Bryan Danielson gave a speech after the ROH TV taping ended last night. He talked about how nobody thought he'd ever make it to TV. He also said that he has suffered a lot of injuries and won't be able to keep wrestling for much longer. He continued on to say that ROH has one of the best locker rooms in history but that it's the fans who made the first TV taping possible. All the wrestlers then came out and united in the ring while Final Countdown played.

The Orlando Sentinel has an interview up with Kevin Nash in which he talks about basketball. Check out the interview at https://www.orlandosentinel.com/

