Notes On WrestleMania, JBL/OVW Relationship, & More has posted a review on the Legends of WrestleMania video game, scheduled for release on Tuesday, March 24th. The gaming website gives the game a good review.

Vampiro: Angel, Devil, Hero, the documentary on Lucha Star Vampiro, debuts tonight in the US at 7PM the Backseat Film Festival in Philadelphia, PA.


Pat Patterson, Billy Jack Haynes, and Tiny "Zeus" Lister have been added to the Legends of the Ring convention, which takes place this May in Monroe, NJ.

JBL posted his most recent WWE Universe blog. In the blog, responds to the rumors that he is the new sponsor of Ohio Valley Wrestling. OVW has been in recent financial trouble, losing both their Six-Flags and local TV deal, and there was fear that they may have to shut down. "I am the sponsor of OVW, it is true. Danny Davis is my good friend and I hate to see anyone lose their dream. Danny has mortgaged his home to make this work; I mortgaged my home for Layfield Energy. I understand passion, I understand love. I believe in the American spirit, I believe that if you want to achieve, you can. My company is doing well, and I can promise you I don't take one account or one customer for granted. I am going to sponsor what Danny is doing. It will be much more than just wrestling. Trust me; we are going to do some really cool things. This will unfold in the next few months, I have big plans for what we are doing. But for now, I am funding all of OVW, because I believe in what they are doing. One day I will tell all, but for now, I will say that I am doing what is right. I started in places like OVW; these places have to be protected. These places are sacred, and I don't do this for nostalgia, I do it as a business decision. This is not just my BS plan to give back; I have a plan-believe me."


