Torrie Set For 25-Diva Battle Royal, Booker T vs. WWE, More

As noted earlier, Torrie Wilson has plans to be on hand for the WrestleMania XXV festivities in Houston next month. She also noted in her recent blog that she's physically feeling like her old self again and able to do things she wasn't able to do following back surgery last summer. It is now coming out that the former WWE Diva will be wrestling at WrestleMania XXV.


In an interview with the Miami Herald, TNA wrestler Booker T discussed the problems he's encountered with his WrestleMania weekend charity event as World Wrestling Entertainment pulled several people from his Fan Fest. Booker says Torrie Wilson was pulled from his event due to her scheduled match at WrestleMania.

"Ron Simmons is still within his 90 days, and they told him he can't do it," Booker said. "Torrie Wilson is involved in a match at WrestleMania, so they thought it was a conflict of interest. I don't know how. Nick Bockwinkel hasn't had anything with WWE for quite some time, and all of a sudden he's doing something. Tito Santana has pulled out as well."

The former WWE World Champion was shocked by his former company's response. Booker says he doesn't know why WWE sees his event as competition.


"I was surprised more than anything because it is for charity," Booker said. "I don't think that PWA is riding the coattails of WWE. This is the city of Houston. A city I've grown up in."

"I really think we're taking the high road on this. We're not trying to bash anybody or beat anybody up. Hopefully, we'll get a donation from WWE for our foundation. Hopefully, they will give money to the foundation and try to do damage control."

Although Booker T didn't list the actual match, one would assume that Torrie will be participating in the 25-Diva battle royal.

