Yet Another WWE Release - Details Inside

According to Mike Aldren of The Sun, WWE has released Patrick Brink (ring name Kaleb O'Neal) from his developmental contract. O'Neal was signed out of Maryland Championship Wrestling last June.

In December, Brink got heat from management because he added some tattoos to his forearms. However, according to his signed agreement with WWE, you need permission to do so ? which he did not get. As a result, he was fined $1,000 and suspended for one week. However, after the fine, he started struggling financially as he was only making $500 per week. Brink informed officials about his money woes and they hiked his weekly pay to $750.

More problems arose this past week as Brink was late to an appointment for physical therapy which the company was paying for. Word got back to the office and they told him his recent behavior was unacceptable. They then informed Brink he was being let go.

Brink is the seventh name to depart from the organization within the past two weeks, following Scotty Goldman, Manu, Freddie Prinze, Jr. (creative team writer), John Carle (creative team writer), Afa Anoa'i, Sr. (on company payroll), and The Boogeyman.

