Gene Snitsky Has A Brand New Look, iMPACT! Tonight, & More

The following matches are scheduled for tonight's edition of TNA iMPACT!:

- Team 3D Invitational Tag Team Tournament: The Motor City Machineguns vs. Suicide and The Amazing Red
- Stretcher Match: Awesome Kong vs. Madison Rayne
- Abyss vs. Cody Deaner
- AJ Styles and Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash and Booker T

Since his departure from World Wrestling Entertainment in December, Gene Snitsky has completely changed his appearance. The former WWE star appeared at the Signamania IV wrestling convention this past Saturday in Levittown, Pennsylvania no longer clean shaven. He has grown his hair in, not to mention a goatee. He also grew in his eyebrows, which he shaved off for his former psychotic madman gimmick. He also no longer has dark yellow stained teeth, which some websites erroneously reported was permanent. You can see an image of the new look Snitsky on our Facebook group by clicking here or going to:

