WWE Backlash: ECW Championship Match - Jack Swagger (C) Vs. Christian
The following is from our live coverage of WWE Backlash here on WrestlingINC.com. For our full coverage of the event, click here
ECW Championship Match
Jack Swagger (c) vs. Christian
Swagger starts things off on the mat but Christian turns it around with a heel kick and cover to get the early advantage. Swagger quickly regains control, presses Christian over his head and dumps him outside. He gets Christian back in the ring and maintains control. Loud "Let's Go Christian" chants. Swagger continues to dominate with power moves. Swagger's looking impressive with his offense.
Christian regains control after Swagger misses a splash from the second rope. Swagger quickly turns it back around with a powerslam. Swagger's looking the best I've seen him, Christian really brings out the best in him. Swagger hits a splash from the top on Christian, but gets a two count.
The end of the match saw Swagger charge at Christian in the corner, but Christian moved out of the way and hit the killswitch to get the three count and win the ECW Championship!
Winner and NEW ECW Champion: Christian