WWE Backlash: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - John Cena Vs. Edge

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Backlash here on WrestlingINC.com. For our full coverage of the event, click here

WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Last Man Standing Match
John Cena (c) vs. Edge.

The crowd came alive for this one. Cena came out to a loud mixed reaction (mostly cheers).

Edge gets the advantage early. A 'Cena Sucks' chant starts. Before long you have a loud "Let's Go Cena" – "Cena Sucks" dueling chant.

The first long count when Edge put Cena in a sharpshooter for awhile, and then bumped him out of the ring. Cena got up at 8, and Edge came out of the ring and went to spear Cena into the ring steps, but Cena sidestepped. Cena went to grab Edge, but Edge reversed and whipped Cena into another set of ring steps. Cena got up at 8 and then threw Edge into the ring steps. This is getting ridiculous.

Cena threw Edge back into the ring and threw the ring steps in as well. Edge got the advantage and dropkicked the steel steps into Cena. As Cena was getting up, Edge charged at him and Cena dumped him over the top. Cena grabs the steel steps and throws them onto Edge outside the ring. Edge managed to get up at 8. Cena went out and threw Edge back into the ring.

Cena and Edge traded blows until both collapsed. The referee started counting both men out, but the got up at 8. Cena kept going for the attitude adjster, but Edge kept reversing. Finally Cena got the STF on Edge and Edge was tapping, but it doesn't count. Cena went for the attitude adjuster again, but Edge got out and his a speer. Edge went to the top rope but Cena caught him and hit a big attitude adjuster from the second rope. Edge makes it up at 9.

Cena went to the top and came down on Edge, but Edge caught Cena in mid air with a spear. Cena gets up at 8 and falls out of the ring. Edge sets Cena up on the announce table and goes for a DDT, but Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster and throws Edge to the outside onto the fans (obviously plants) in the first few rows!

Edge gets up at 9 and they fight to the stands. Cena bulldogs Edge into the floor in the equipment area but Edge gets up at 7. Edge then DDTs Cena on the steel stage. Edge goes to the back and comes back with a chair and nails Cena in the back. He then hits the concerto. Cena manages to get up at 9 and Edge charges with a spear. Cena reverses it into an attitude adjuster but the Big Show runs out from the back and throws Cena into a spotlight! Pretty insane visual! Cena's out for the count and Edge is your new World Heavyweight Champion!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

