WWE RAW Results (4/6) - Batista Returns, New GM!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, April 6th, 2009 (USA Network)
Location: The Toyota Center in Houston, Texas
Results by 411Mania.com

"Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event?"

We open with a recap of last night's extravaganza, a show that left many people underwhelmed. Indeed, WWE's video production does a good job of making the event seem more spectacular than it really was. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are at ringside as usual.


We're in the Toyota Center, Houston, Texas and kicking things off with Randy Orton, sporting the battle scars of last night's WWE Championship match with Triple H. The fans are all over Orton as he grabs a microphone. He doesn't know what's more sickening, the fact that Triple H had to use the hammer to beat him last night, or the fact that the people enjoyed every second of it. It's good that they have a moment of happiness in their otherwise miserable lives. But the fact is, last night proved nothing. Triple H can't beat Orton on his own and Orton will have his rematch. The McMahon family owe it to him, as does the company and the fans. And when he gets his rematch, he will beat Triple H and take his rightful place as WWE Champion, and may God help the McMahons if they decide to get in his way again. Very audible "Orton" chants from the Houston crowd. Orton brags about his assaults on the McMahons and asks what's next, saying he hasn't seen Linda in a while, she'd be glad to see him. Or maybe he'll introduce himself to the McMahon family grandchildren.


Vince McMahon is out and fuming. Orton bail to floor as Vince enters the ring. Vince tells Orton he'll give him what he wants, a McMahon. Vince is right here. But Vince won't give him another title match, but Orton will get some Backlash. At Backlash, it'll be Orton and Legacy against Triple H, Shane and Vince McMahon! Orton says Vince is hiding behind Triple H and Shane, because Vince is terrified. Vince says Orton's scared because Rhodes and DiBiase aren't out here. Vince calls Orton a failure. Orton wants a one-on-one match with Vince tonight. He doesn't need to Cody and Ted, just like he didn't need them to kick Vince in the skull. Orton guarantees that Vince won't make it to Backlash. Orton will have his Mania moment a day late when he puts Vince down permanently. Vince says maybe Orton will beat the hell out of him, maybe he'll put him in a coma. But then again, maybe he won't. McMahon accepts!

Lumberjack Match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships: Carlito and Primo Colon vs. The Miz and John Morrison

Justice is being done here in that we actually get to see this match without having to wait for the Mania DVD. Miz and Morrison asked for this rematch apparently. The Colons are carrying both sets of belts, so there's no new single set as of yet. Morrison and Carlito start off.


Morrison backs Carlito into the corner and pummels him, but soon gets caught with a springboard elbow for 2. Primo in off the tag and the Colons hit a slingshot splash/leg drop combo for 2. Primo headstands on the turnbuckle and gets 2 more off a leg scissors takedown. Morrison sends Primo to the apron but Primo flips back over and dropkicks Morrison to the floor. The lumberjacks beat him down before tossing him back in, and Primo gets a 2 count as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Morrison has Primo grounded with a chinlock. During the break, Primo got tossed out onto the lumberjacks when trying to attempt a springboard. Miz and Morrison hit a double team on Primo, so Carlito rushes in to break the count. Miz applies a chinlock now, Primo fighting to his feet and elbowing out. A jawbreaker connects and Carlito gets the tag. A clothesline and back drop for Miz, followed up by a running knee lift. Another clothesline misses, but Carlito rolls the dice for 2. Carlito gets elevated to the apron, goes up top but gets cut off. Miz up top now too, both men negotiating a suplex, and they both end up falling onto the 'jacks.Primo with a suicide dive onto the lumberjacks! Morrison up top, SHOTTING STAR PRESS PLANCHA takes out the 'jacks. Miz rolls Carlito back in and gets 2. Primo takes Morrison out with a rana to the floor and the lumberjacks pummel both guys. Miz blocks the Backstabber and gets a long 2 off a jackknife roll up. Miz blocks a springboard elbow attempt, but Carlito slips out and hits the Backstabber for 3!


Winners: Carlito and Primo Colon **1/2

They worked a solid match and did a great job of working the stipulation into the story of the match. Solid effort from everyone involved, and it's a travesty that these guys didn't get some pay-per-view time last night.

In the back, Shane McMahon questions Vince's thinking. Vince never backs down from a challenge. And Vince wants to do this on his own.

Raw vs. SmackDown 10-Diva Tag Team Match: Melina, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Layla and Jillian Hall vs. Maryse, Eve Torres, Maria, Gail Kim and Natalya

I could have sworn Natalya was on ECW, but whatever. Plus, where's Michelle McCool? Gail and Melina lock up, side headlock takeover by Melna, Kim into a head scissors but Melina bridges out and misses an elbow. Gail gets 2 off a jackknife, Melina bridges up and gets 2 off a backslide. Kim avoids a charge in the corner, Melina matrixes under a clothesline eats a dropkick. Handspring elbow just about connects from Melina, but Kim comes back with a slingshot cross body. Melina takes a tumble to the floor allowing Maryse to kick the crap out of her. Gail didn't appreciate that. Natalya in and hits a discus clothesline. Natalya applies an impressive surfboard maneuver to Melina. Melina breaks free and gets a tag to Mickie, slides in and hits a Lou Thez press. Snap mare take over is followed up by a low dropkick for 1. Forearms, a roundhouse to the gut, but a DDT is blocked. Mickie tries a rana out of the corner but gets slammed. Layla breaks up the cover but gets tossed to the floor, and it all breaks down on the outside. Natalya runs into a boot from Mickie and gets caught with a Tornado DDT for 3!


Winners: Raw Divas

While it was far too short to be anything special, the opening few moments with Gail Kim and Melina showed real promise, and I would love to see an extended program between those two if the Draft would allow it. The fact that it was kept to the 4 most capable women in the match really helped this one.

Elsewhere, Shane finds Triple H and asks him to talk to Vince.

10-Man WrestleMania All-Star Match: John Cena, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Ricky Steamboat, & Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho, Edge, Big Show, Kane, & Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy enters literally selling his ass off; you'll recall he missed that huge leapfrog ladder spot at Mania last night. We see clips of Punk winning the Money in the Bank Ladder Match last night.

Cole reminds us we're in Atlanta next week for a 3-hour Draft edition of Raw.

We see stills of Jericho's match with the legends, as well as the post-match confrontation with Ric Flair and Mickey Rourke. Here's a hidden highlight for JP; the design on Matt Hardy's new tights is the same that was on his T-shirt the night he turned on Jeff Hardy at Royal Rumble (I think). Former World champ Edge heads to the ring as we go to break.

When we come back, Hardy and Edge lock up and Edge goes to the ribs early to get an advantage, but Hardy snaps off a leg scissors takedown for 2. Cena in now but Edge cuts him off with a knee and right hands. Cena reverses a whip, sending Edge to the corner and then hits a bulldog. Steamboat in by popular demand, and hits the sledge off the top to the arm of Edge. "You still got it!" chant from Houston as Steamboat hits a crossbody on Edge. But in come Kane to spoil the party. Chops by Steamboat have little effect, but he avoids a charge from Kane, takes out Jericho with a clothesline, Hardy with a dropkick and Edge with an ARM DRAG! VINTAGE STEAMBOAT with a sledge off the top to Kane, but Steamboat walks into a sidewalk slam. Jericho in to pick the bones. Big Show in and chops Steamboat. Ricky begs off but Show chokes in im the corner with a boot. Head butt by Show now as the fans really get behind The Dragon.


Jericho in and gets 2 off a clothesline. Jericho grounds Steamboat with a half-nelson chinlock. The ref drops the arm, but Steamboat's still alive. He works his way back to his feet, fights out and tees off with rights. Jericho ducks one though and locks in the Walls! Steamboat fights, turns onto his back and gets 2 off a small package. Jericho tries a back suplex, but The Dragon lands on his feet and tags Punk!

Springboard clothesline by Punk, running knee in the corner followed up by a bulldog. Punk takes Matt and Edge off the apron, but a distraction by Show allows Kane to deck Punk. Jericho gets a 2 count from that. Kane in and boots Punk in the face as we go to another commercial.

We come back to Punk battling back against Kane, only to run into a big boot. Matt Hardy comes in for the first time and gets a 2 count off an elbow drop. Edge and Matt Hardy work together to take down Punk with a double reverse elbow. Show in now and hits a big head butt to the back of the head. Show just stands on the head of Punk now but is forced to break the "hold." Open-hand chop in the corner by Show now. Show aggressively tags in Edge who puts the boots to Punk. Kane in now and sets Punk up on the top rope. Kane goesup but Punk connects with a series of forearms to knock him down. Punk dives into the clutches of Kane, but counters a chokeslam into a DDT at the last second!


Hot tag both sides! Edge and Jeff in, Hardy with clotheslines and an atomic drop, followed up with a double leg drop to the gut and a low dropkick for 2. Hardy connects with Whisper in the Wind! Matt in but he gets tossed out by Jeff. Plancha by Jeff takes out Matt. Show and Cena in, and they take each other to the floor. Rey in and hits a rana, sending Edge into the ropes. Jericho blocks the 619 attempt but gets sent into the ropes too. Double 619! Steamboat up top and takes out Jericho with a CROSSBODY! Rey hits a splash on Edge and picks up the win!

Winners: Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Ricky Steamboat, John Cena and Jeff Hardy ***1/4

Really fun little match-up. Everyone played their roles well and all the individual little issues continued simmering throughout this match. Seeing Steamboat go like that again was great and it was awesome to see the spotlight on him post-match.

The faces celebrate, and Cena classily let's Steamboat have the ring to himself to pose to the crowd. While Mania may have disappointed many, Ricky Steamboat has been a highlight, no doubt. The other faces applaud Steamboat from the ramp way.

In the back, Vince doesn't want to hear it from Triple H. Triple H says he's proud, and wants Vince to "finish him."


Vickie Guerrero is out. Excuse her. When she was asked to step-in as interim General Manager, it was with the condition that after Mania she had to chose one show or the other to be GM for. And she's chosen Raw. She says Raw has become stale and stagnant, so we need her in charge. Tonight, she's proud to announce that at Backlash, Edge gets a rematch with John Cena for the title. She also says the 6-man match at Backlash is for the title. If anyone on Triple H's team wins, The Game retains; if anyone from Legacy wins, Orton gets the title. She leaves, and comes back out a few minutes later. She forgot to say, that Edge/Cena match will be a Last Man Standing Match!

We get a look back at WrestleMania 25.

Elsewhere, Legacy and Orton stand around and look menacing and stuff.

Santina Marella gets a HUGE pop from the crowd! "Miss WrestleMania" comes out to Billy and Chuck's old music! Santina entered the Battle Royal because her brother wasn't allowed as his heart was broken. She couldn't believe it when she won. What does the future hold for Santina? Maybe Miss America one day. Beth Phoenix along with Rosa Mendez interrupts. Santina introduces herself, as they've never been introduced. Houston gives us a "Santina" chant. Beth says cut the crap, she's embarrassing herself. Beth issues a challenge for a match tonight. Santina says Beth is jealous because she's more of a woman that Beth will ever be. Phoenix asks if Santina's man enough to face her. We go to break as a referee heads to the ring.


Santina Marella vs. Beth Phoenix

Chop by Beth, forearms and rights in the corner. Beth goes to give Santina a spanking but Santina bails, and they play a bit of cat and mouse. Santina holds onto the top rope to avoid a slam, and falls on top of Phoenix for the win.

Winner: Santina Marella

Backstage seeing Vince McMahon in his wrestling gear walking to the ring. McMahon vs. Orton up next.

Vince McMahon vs. Randy Orton

Randy Orton's music hits and out comes Orton by himself scars showing from last night's match at Wrestlemania due to the sledgehammer. "No Chance" hits as Vince McMahon comes to the ring. Vince stops at the top of the ramp momentarily and there is a quick stare down between McMahon and Orton before McMahon continues to the ring. Bell rings. Vince slaps Orton, then again when Orton gets to his feet. Vince with some stiff punches keeps Orton in the corner. Vince taunting Orton. Vince slams Orton's head into the announce table twice then kicks him in the face. Vince continues to attack Orton on the outside of the ring. Vince throws Orton back in the ring, then climbs back in himself. Orton with a neck breaker, turning the tables on McMahon. Orton with the upper hand punishing McMahon in the ring. Orton taunting the crowd with a sick look on his face while McMahon is laying face down in the ring. Orton RKO's Vince again leaving Vince face down in the ring. Orton goes to punt Vince and Shane McMahon interferes. Shane beating up Orton as Legacy interferes. 3 on 1 attack on Shane. HHH runs down the ramp and into the ring, exploding on Cody Rhodes. HHH and Orton left in the ring. Legacy teams up on HHH. Batista's music hits. Batista runs to the ring, spearing Orton and cleans house. Crowd roaring with excitement. Vince grabs a mic "I'm not going to make it Backlash and Batista will be taking my place." Batista's theme hits as RAW ends.


Winner: No Contest

