Jim Ross Speaks On Ric Flair Coming Out Of Retirement

Jim Ross recently updated JRsBarBQ.com with his latest blog, where he speaks on the subject of Ric Flair coming out of retirement and returning to the ring. Here are some highlights:

- Ric called me last Sunday morning and we had a nice talk and I could tell that "Naitch" was getting "the itch" to get back in the ring. He might be feeling somewhat burned out regarding all the autograph shows and meet 'n greets that he's done over the past several months. One can only imagine how much flesh Ric has pressed since retiring. Ric's driver's license may say that he is 60 years old but he still has the spirit and constitution of a 30- something year old, for better or for worse, depending on one's perspective.

- Can Ric still perform in the ring at a competitive level. Hell, yeah. Should he? Well, that's another question that's a little tougher to answer.

- I think every one should chase their dreams and do what it is in life that makes them happy and that is legal and ethical because there are no guarantees how long our time here on Earth will be. I chase my dreams every week as I still love "calling" wrestling matches. My wife says broadcasting wrestling is my "calling" and she may well be correct, as usual.

- But this isn't my call. I do have an opinion. It almost changes from day to day as a matter of fact. In a perfect world, for me, I would love for Ric to not risk life and limb at 60 and not wrestle again. I don't want to read of Ric Flair wrestling in a high school gym some place.

- However, if Ric can return to a major stage and perform occasionally then I have less a problem with the matter. But here is the bottom line....my thanks to Stone Cold....it's Ric's life and he should do whatever he wants to do at this stage of the game that makes him happy.

- If Ric's act is going to live again, it needs to play "Broadway"..... for a limited time only. WHOOO!

