Vince McMahon's Dislike For Obama & Democrats

There have been some rumblings in recent months that Vince McMahon isn't particularly fond of United States President Barack Obama, basically saying "he's bad for business." The latest issue of Power Slam magazine sheds some more light on McMahon's opinion of him, including a behind the scenes story from last year in which WWE television producer Kevin Dunn reprimanded anyone he saw wearing clothing or merchandise in support of the Democratic President-elect. Here is what was written:

"Dunn's philosophical overlap with Vince extends beyond wrestling. Like the WWE Chairman, Dunn is an ultra-conservative Republican who supported George W. Bush. In 2004, Dunn earned Vince's compliments when he proudly flouted company policy to wear a giant "Bush/Cheney 2004" badge to work on the day after the election.

In 2008, creative team sources allege that Dunn, ironically, had anyone who wore clothing or merchandise related to the Democratic President-elect formally reprimanded by the company. Meanwhile, sources backstage report overhearing McMahon and Dunn discussing how Obama's policies will so badly damage America's economy that periodic cuts in WWE personnel will be required in order for the company to continue to pay their multi-million-dollar executive salaries and stock dividends."

