Borash/Foley Slam Eric Bischoff, Hogan's Car Breaks Down

– TMZ has a story up about Nick Hogan's car breaking down yesterday in Beverly Hills – "before he could put anyone else in a permanent vegetative state." The 19-year-old ex-convict and older sister Brooke had to pull over while driving around Beverly Hills to adding some engine coolant. You can see a picture of Nick and Brooke roadside at

– On the June 18th edition of the TNA Spin Cycle video show, host Jeremy Borash and TNA Champino Mick Foley opened the show will a skit about Eric Bischoff. Bischoff recently called Borash "obnoxious" and said he doesn't belong on television during a recent Sirius satellite radio interview. While consoling a broken down Jeremy Borash, Mr. Socko rips into Bischoff by recalling a few of his more notorious antics – including spoiling the results of Mankind's first WWF title win on Nitro and firing Stone Cold Steve Austin from WCW via FedEx. You can watch the show over at

