J.R. Talks About Mickie James Singing Country, Flair/ROH, SD!/RAW & More

Jim Ross has a new blog up, here are the highlights:

On Mickie James and her New Career: Mickie James, arguably the WWE's most talented in ring diva, is contemplating trying her hand at country music as Mickie has apparently written several songs and is preparing to do a demo as I understand it. This doesn't mean Mickie is leaving wrestling whatsoever. I wish her luck if she decides to travel the country music road as it won't be easy but neither was her getting in WWE.

On Ric Flair and ROH: It looks like Ric Flair is completely finished with ROH, or at least that's my take on it, and that Flair will eventually wrestle again for promoters abroad but not wrestle for WWE. Flair seems destined for a reoccurring role on WWE TV but I don't know the details of such or the time line. After being punted by Randy Orton Monday night in Birmingham, one would not expect to see Naitch back on WWE TV for quite some time. Right?

On Smackdown Kicking Raw's Ass: It looks as if SD will be in a position to kick Raw's ass again this Sunday at "Extreme Rules." In my biased opinion, no match on the card is more eagerly anticipated than the Ladder Match for the World Title with Edge defending against Jeff Hardy. To think that I inked both these men to WWE contracts over a decade ago is a testament to how time flies. I assure you that both men will take ridiculous risks Sunday and I will be shocked if the use of the ladders as weapons doesn't bust someone open.

On Upcoming WE Classics Roundtables: The two Roundtable shows will be concerning "Wrestling with Patriotism" and "Giants" in the wrestling biz. The "Patriotism" show will address utilizing stereotypes in creating rivalries while "Giants" will be about wrestling's biggest superstars and what made them great and who came up a little short and who should have been better considering their natural gifts. I do not know when these two shows will air on 24/7 but assume it will be a few months as these programs take enormous editing. Mean Gene Okerlund will host this foray and the panel will include, as of now, Michael Hayes, Sgt. Slaughter, perhaps Pat Patterson (not confirmed) and me.

