Latest News On Sting's Possible Retirement This Year

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

There has been a lot of talk within TNA about Sting and his retirement. Retirement talks have come about every year since he returned to wrestling. Bound for Glory is the targeted area where they may do his retirement.

Sting is 50 now and over the last several years, he says it will be his last year. The internal belief is that he will Dixie Carter will talk Sting in to signing another year contract before his current contract expires.

Sting has been given a tremendous amount of leeway in terms of his schedule. He doesn't work house shows and doesn't work foreign tours. Also, the new TNA schedule, recording four shows in a three day period gives him more time to spend with his family. He is also given time off once a year to do an angle. It is believed that Sting is making around $500,000 a year and is guaranteed a spot at the top of the roster.

In all likelihood, Sting will likely sign another year deal and contemplate retirement in 2010. Although, things may change over the course of the next several months.

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