More On Vince McMahon's Nasty Backstage Attitude
As noted earlier today here on the website, Vince McMahon has been more on edge as of late than he has been in the past. It is being said that he is even more hyper or "insane" than usual, thus making it a rough time to be a member of the WWE staff. He has been changing his mind on issues very frequently and frantically.
McMahon is usually much kinder to talent than staff, likely due to the fact most of them are physically larger than him. Some feel when McMahon is upset at a wrestler over something, he doesn't chew out the wrestler, but rather takes it out on a staff member ? such as an assistant or television announcer.
For instance, McMahon has been known for taking out his anger on Michael Cole and former WWE announcer Mick Foley, both of whom are described as nice guys by co-workers. McMahon's treatment of Foley during his short-lived tenure as an announcer last year was the prime reason he departed for TNA Wrestling.