'The Bash' Name Change Update, Trump, & More News
– Commercials for The Bash airing on Comcast are still referring to the WWE PPV as The Great American Bash. As previously noted, Vince wanted the name changed to The Bash because Great American Bash reminded him of WCW too much. As a rule of thumb, Vince generally dislikes doing anything WCW did even if it was one of their good ideas.
Which name do you like better: 'The Bash' or 'The Great American Bash'? We have a thread going on our forums about this, you can go directly to the thread by clicking here. Also, we will be giving away three copies of the 12 Rounds: Extreme Cut DVD to three active members of our new forums. The contest ends on June 30th, and the DVDs will be sent in the middle of July. To register on our forums and be eligible for the 12 Rounds: Extreme Cut giveaway, click here. Please note that this offer is only valid for U.S. residents. For full details of the contest, click here.
– The Pitch in Kansas City recently had an article on WWE referee John Cone, who runs a Donut King store in Kansas City with his wife when he's not on the road with WWE. Cone noted that on TV days, his job starts at 7AM and ends at 1AM because he's also a stage hand for the company. He also mentioned how referees may average three hours of sleep per night during their two to four days on the road. Cone has been with WWE for three years now.
– In today's edition of The Houston Chronicle, an article calls the Donald Trump/RAW announcement "a scam" since they sent out press releases about a plotline.