Rosa Mendes Pics, Abraham Washington News, Big Show/WWE
As announced on this past Tuesday's episode of ECW, Tommy Dreamer and Christian will be Abraham Washington's guests on his show next week. While Washington did not appear on this week's ECW broadcast, he did an "After the Bell" segment promoting his upcoming appearance. Visit to see the video.
The WWE website has posted a new photo gallery of Rosa Mendes.
Aiken Standard in South Carolina interviewed The Big Show to hype the WWE house show there this Sunday. You can check out the full interview at Here are some highlights" "I have been very fortunate and seen a lot of beautiful places. I am just a humble kid from South Carolina who enjoys barbecue and I have been able to see the world. I recently wrestled in a coliseum built in 300 AD in France – wrestling in this venue where the gladiator combats were held was a real highlight. It's a part of history. Every day I wake up and I can't believe I am doing what I am doing. I love my job. I have been able to work with the best athletes in the world. It is fantastic but you do need a nomadic spirit. Throughout my career I have been fortunate enough to work with every great name in the industry. Arn Anderson has become one of my close confidants and mentors. He has had an incredible influence on my career. Its hard to believe he's the same guy I used to watch on TV."