Rumor Control: Is WWE Interested In Kurt Angle?

With rumors of Kurt Angle returning to WWE circulating the internet, confirms reports that there was some talk of it within WWE. However, when re-signing Kurt was pitched to Vince McMahon by the WWE creative team, Vince shot the idea down quickly. Vince said he feels Angle was not a "channel changer" and also cited his prescription pill issues. Prior to pitching it to McMahon, the creative team was split on the issue.

Several months ago, a WWE source said that the company would be interested in using Angle on a limited schedule similar to Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, however that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. The main concern is whether he would adhere to the Wellness Policy.

There are conflicting reports regarding Angle's current TNA contract. Some say it expires in September, while others are under the impression that there's another year left on the deal.

Would you like to see Angle back in the WWE, or is he better off in TNA? We have a thread going on our forums about this, you can go to the thread by clicking here. Register now and be eligible to win a copy of Macho Madness – The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection on DVD (contest details).

