Torrie Wilson News, Cyber Sunday Is Back On, & More News
For those who missed it this morning, WWE has decided to change the October 25th WWE Annihilation PPV, which used to be Cyber Sunday, back to Cyber Sunday. No word on why just yet.
Former WWE Diva Torrie Wilson is currently in Las Vegas taking part in the World Series of Poker tournament. Fellow I'm a Celebrity?Get Me out of Here! co-stars Lou Diamond Philips and John Salley are also playing in the tournament. The following was written on the official World Series of Poker blog concerning Wilson: "Joe Arena is on around 60,000 after taking down a massive three-way pot that saw one opponent all in on the turn of the board and both Arena and the very lovely Torrie Wilson (of sports entertainment fame!) calling. Wilson gave it up to a 5,000 bet from Arena on the river, though, and Arena turned over pocket sevens for a set. Mr. All In mucked, and Arena raked in the chips." (Thanks to TheAman)