More On Vince McMahon Wanting To Start His Own Cable Network

In a follow up to the LA Times article we previously posted, Joe Flint of the LA Times has posted a blog, following up on the possibility of a WWE network. Here are the highlights:

  • It is noted that WWE programming was a tough sell to advertisers and families, and that is why McMahon has pushed the softer, WWE PG agenda.
  • The article says that while the timing may not be ideal to start a new network, the WWE has strong relations with cable and satellite operators, which will be hard to ignore.
  • There would be no plans to move Raw off of the USA Network.
  • McMahon made the following comments: "It won't be a threat, it'll be an integration, it's good for `RAW' to be on USA." He also mentioned that it would be a tool in negotiations, "Having your own network allows you a lot of leverage."
  • Maria discusses lingerie matches, noting that "The guys miss it, but that's how it goes." She also mentioned that they (the divas) get reprimanded for showing too much cleavage, and that is something that would not happen a few years ago.
  • John Cena defended the change to a PG environment, stating "You can't please everybody. Our business was down and the product was becoming old and stale."
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