RAW Dark Match + Partial WWE Superstars **SPOILERS**

Credit: ProWrestling.net

Dark Match

1. Primo defeated Aaron Riley. Primo started off pretty well but began to fall apart midway through the match. Riley seemed pretty dominate, but then Primo made a comeback. He attempted a top rope move but wasn't successful. Then came with a high cross body to win the match.

WWE Superstars Taping

1. Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly. Kelly started off pretty good, but Beth was very dominating of her. The crowd really got into this match in favor of Kelly. Beth won by pinfall.

2. Mark Henry beat Chris Masters by countout. A funny point, Masters attempted to body slam Mark Henry and failed. Henry suplexed Masters with ease. Masters attempted the Masterlock, but Henry easily got out of it. In a very close call, Masters grabbed the rope to stop a pin. Masters exited the ring and didn't return, so Henry won via countout.

