The Latest Rey Mysterio-WWE Update: Concern Over Mysterio Quitting

Source: The Observer

As of earlier this morning, WWE still hadn't decided what they were going to do with Rey Mysterio at the Smackdown taping tonight. His suspension is set to begin tomorrow and one would presume he would lose the Intercontinental Title tonight to Dolph Ziggler or someone else, but there is at least some concern that Mysterio could quit the company over the issue.

Mysterio has stated that he had a prescription for the drugs that caused him to fail his Wellness test, and said that WWE suspended him without giving him enough time to provide the prescription. With that in mind, WWE may keep the IC Title on him and shoot an injury angle instead.

What are your thoughts on Mysterio's suspension? We have a thread going on our forums about this, you can go to the thread by clicking here.

