WWE Superstars Joke About The ECW Wardrobe Malfunction

As reported earlier, there was a wardrobe malfunction at Tuesday night's ECW on SyFy tapings during Zach Ryder's squash match victory over indy wrestler Rory Fargo. Ryder pulled the front of Fargo's shorts down while throwing him into the corner, giving the fans in attendance an eyeful to say the least. Luckily for WWE, the show was taped and there was enough time to edit the match and cut to a camera angle that did not show Fargo's exposed parts.

However, word got out about the malfunction and several WWE superstars commented on it on Twitter. Zach Ryder, Hurricane Helms and Chris Jericho all took turns making tongue-in-cheek remarks about the situation.

Zack Ryder said, "My opponent was being a little cocky in the ring with me tonight." He later added, "He tried his hardest...he was going BALLS to wall...but he couldn't stop Mr. Woo Woo Woo."

Hurricane Helms responded to Ryder's comments, saying "I mean you did tear a guy's pants off last night! Just sayin!" He later added, "I mean seriously, that match was just NUTS!", "How come nobody told me Balls Mahoney came back to ECW??", "Big Dick Johnson and Naked Mideon are both suing for gimmick infringement!" and "He definitely got some 'exposure.' Maybe he can turn it into a gimmick!"

On Wednesday morning, Chris Jericho joined in on the fun, writing, "Zack Ryder's opponent last night needs to stiffen up and be less genitle in the ring."

