Taz-TNA Update, Knockout News, Dreamer Not Injured, Lots More

Taz made the following post on his Facebook, reminding people that he is NOT on the TNA creative team: "Folks, I get many suggestions on my Tweet/FB pages asking me to do "this" or do "that" in TNA with certain talents...just so you all hear this from me...I am NOT a member of the TNA booking team guys....so there (lol)!"

For the week ending on October 4th, TBS was the highest rated basic cable network in Primetime. This was due to the baseball playoffs. ESPN came in second place with football helping them to that spot, while the USA network took third place.

Muscle And Fitness has their feature on the TNA Knockouts online, which you can see at https://www.muscleandfitness.com/

Tommy Dreamer was not hurt at last night's ECW/Smackdown tapings, he was just selling very well.

Tom sent this one in: R1 Gym – LA's Premiere Mixed Martial Arts Gym, MMA Bootcamp is now in session and R1 Gym Los Angeles MMA Lessons, Classes, Full Service submission wrestling fight gym Full details are at www.r1gym.com

