WWE Bragging Rights: Post Title Match Interview Segment With Batista And Rey Mysterio
The following is from our live coverage of WWE Bragging Rights. To access our full coverage, click here. For quick notes during each match, follow us on Twitter by clicking here.
After the match, Mysterio helped Batista to his feet and Josh Matthews came into the ring to interview them. Matthews asked Mysterio how it felt to be so close, and Mysterio said they tried their hardest and they were close. He embraced Batista, and then said they didn't win tonight but there will be another day.
Matthews asked Batista how he was feeling. Batista asked Mysterio if he thought they were close, then asked the crowd if they thought they were close. Batista said THEY weren't close, but HE was close. Batista said he was tired of being close, and tired of Mysterio stabbing him in the back. He then told Mysterio that he was going to rip his head off.
He then nailed Mysterio with a huge clothesline, and then kicked him out of the ring. Batista proceeded to lay a vicious beat on Mysterio outside of the ring, screaming "You were supposed to be my friend." He tossed Mysterio into the security guard rail and followed it with a kick to his head before walking off.