WWE/Mexico Update, More WWE DVD News, Lou Albano Update

The Bragging Rights DVD will be released on November 24th.

The 2009 WWE Survivor Series DVD will be released on December 22nd.

WWE has signed new Mexican PPV deals with Cablevisi?n Monterrey and Cin?polis. The deal began with the Hell in a Cell PPV, and will include all 14 WWE PPVs.

Wrestler's Rescue sent out the following announcement about the health of Captain Lou Albano: Captain Lou Albano is Ill Speaking on behalf of the Albano family, Wrestler's Rescue is sad to report that Captain Lou Albano has fallen ill, and is currently at home with his family under hospice care. Albano is not suffering from cancer, according to his family. While the family is grateful for the in outpouring of affection, please respect their privacy during these tough times. Wrestler's Rescue is collecting donations to be forwarded to the Albano family for medical expenses. For more information, go to www.WrestlersRescue.Org or email questions to WrestlersRescue@aol.com

Jim Ross has posted a new Q&A on his website, which you can read at JrsBarBQ.com.

