TNA Turning Point: TNA Knockouts Tag Match

TNA Knockouts Tag Match
All Titles on the Line
The Beautiful People vs. Sarita & Taylor Wilde (c) & ODB (c)

Wilde and Sky start things off but it's not long before the faces are using quick tags to work over Sky, but Sky is able to make the tag to Rayne. Rayne quickly falls victim to a shoulder block from ODB, and Sarita tags in. Sarita tries for a couple of quick near falls before hitting an arm drag and taker Rayne down with a back elbow. The Tag champs use some teamwork with a back suplex on top of Rayne. Wilde uses a step up arm drag, but Von Erich is in with a clothesline that takes down Wilde.


TBP use a double team Russian leg sweep to take down Wilde before Sky hits a snap mare and a quick running knee. Sky sends Wilde into the corner where she tags in Lacy, who gets a ton of 'you can't wrestle' chants and immediately tags out to Sky. Sky locks in a modified octopus and bites at Wilde's hand, but Wilde is able to fight back and take Sky down. ODB gets the tag and comes in to clean house.

ODB hits a fallaway slam on Sky but Von Erich breaks up the pin. TBP clear up the ring and are alone in the ring with ODB. ODB is able to fight back against all three though with a couple of ax handle smashes. ODB comes out of nowhere with a big slam on Rayne and pins her for the three count.

Winners and STILL TNA Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team Champions: ODB, and Taylor Wilde and Sarita


