WWE Survivor Series: Team Orton Vs. Team Kingston

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Survivor Series. To access our full coverage, click here. For quick notes during each match, follow us on Twitter by clicking here.

5-on-5 Elimination Match
Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk & William Regal vs. Kofi Kingston, MVP, R-Truth, Mark Henry & Christian


Seems to be a heel crowd tonight, as Orton got a huge reaction coming out. Team Kofi also got good reactions when they were introduced.

Mark Henry started the match out with Randy Orton. Orton was able to hit a quick RKO with an assist from Legacy on Henry to eliminate "The World's Strongest Man."

R-Truth was out next after CM Punk nailed him with GTS.

Christian was able to eliminate Ted Dibiase with a rollup.

Kingston was tagged in to a good reaction against William Regal, and worked the next several minutes. Kingston tagged in MVP, who nailed Regal with a big kick and pinned him, so the teams are even again, 3-on-3.

MVP was later going for the Playmaker on Rhodes but was distracted, and Rhodes pinned him with cross-rhodes.


Rhodes was out next, after Christian hit him with the killswitch, so it's now Orton and Punk vs. Christian and Kingston.

Christan was able to hit Orton with the killswitch, but Punk broke up the cover. Orton then nailed Christian with the RKO to eliminate "Captain Charisma".

Orton tagged in Punk to face Kingston, the lone member of his team. Kofi was able to hit the S.O.S. on Punk for a two count. Punk and Kingston wrestled for the next several minutes, trading the advantage several times. Both men wrestled essentially a really good singles match while Orton watched from the outside. Kingston was able to finally pin Punk with a rollup.

Orton got in the ring, and Kingston quickly nailed him with 'Trouble In Paradise' to pin Orton and become the sole survivor of his team. Really good match, and they did a good job of continuing in building Kingston as a top star.

Winner and sole survivor: Kofi Kingston

