WWE/Twitter 'Ban' In Effect, Kofi Kingston's Feud W/ Randy Orton

In an interview with TheSun.co.uk, WWE Raw star Kofi Kingston was asked in a UK Sun interview says he was one of the last people to find out that he'd be feuding with Randy Orton. "This whole development has been pretty recent, I still don't know what's in store, except that there'll be some high-quality matches. You pick a fight with Randy Orton, you have to step up to the plate. I'm going to step up and try to hit a home run." When asked about dropping the Jamaican gimmick, Kingston said WWE legends like Steve Austin, The Rock and Triple H all had gimmicks before they broke out. "I think this is about me making a transition, a progression to the next level." Kingston also spoke about his dream opponent "There's a few, but growing up, Shawn Michaels was a big influence on why I watched wrestling and why I got into wrestling ... It would bring my career full circle, because he got me into wrestling, and now here I am pursuing my lifelong dream."

WWE talent has been advised to limit their use of Twitter and to not post any Twitter updates after midnight. Take that Matt Hardy :)

