Hulk Hogan Cancels Appearance Due To Illness, More
Erjus Resuli sent this along:
Hulk Hogan was supposed to be a guest on The Surf last night here in Canada, which is a live show, but they announced that he had an interview earlier and was coughing a lot, therefore couldn't make it on the show. Apparently he came down with a bad cold from Australia.
The host was wearing a yellow shirt and red tie and the backstage crew were all decked out in red and yellow Hulk gear. About halfway through the show they revealed that Jimmy Hart, who was thought to be making an appearance as well, also backed out. The host said it was odd how he couldn't make it considering how willing they were to provide transportation for him.
The interactive producer John Pollock called in and said he had talked to Hulk who sounded sick during the interview. He said Hulk claimed he had a problem with a lot of the people currently in TNA, some of who he had worked with before, particularly the writing staff and Russo. Hogan apparently said he was going to be assessing everyone and wouldn't have a problem walking out on TNA if he has issues with the way things are run there.
Hogan was apparently critical of Bischoff's work in WCW as well during the interview, to which the host said was odd because Bischoff has been the shining light for Hogan whenever he was in need. I don't know if Hogan was being "truthful" or doing a worked shoot for the interview.
They also talked about Hogan's financial issues with the divorce and said how his new book was by far better than the old one.