Kozlov Is A U.S. Citizen, WWE Films Update, & Lots More

The Memphis Commercial-Appeal has an article up on "Memphis Heat", which is a documentary that will look at the tradition and legacy of Memphis Wrestling.

Vladimir Kozlov is officially a U.S. citizen. Kozlov made the following comments? "Oh to be a U.S. citizen has been like a dream for long time. When I was raised and born in Russia, I had [a] dream to come to United States because U.S. [is a] land of big opportunity. If you work hard, you can reach whatever you want."

Over the next year, WWE studios will film three movies in New Orleans.

WWE Studios has purchased the rights to the projects titled "Big Red" and "A Chance for Both Barrels".

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bonnie Hammer has been announced as the fourth most powerful woman in entertainment.

