WWE RAW Results (12/7) - Mark Cuban Hosts, More!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, December 7th, 2009 (USA Network)
Location: The American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX
Results by 411 Mania

"Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event?"

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

-Mark Cuban is out to start the show, and he panders to the home crowd by asking if they're all Mavs fans. He says if they think he gets crazy on the sideline at Mavs games we should see him tonight. He says tonight he has a showdown between Sheamus and John Cena scheduled. He says they'll get a chance to go face to face and tell each other what they think. With that he starts the show.

John Cena vs. Carlito
Carlito starts out strong firing Cena into the corner, and stomping him into mat. Carlito delivers a kick to the face, and a running knee lift. Cena grabs Carlito off the ropes and goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Carlito counters out and delivers a dropkick for two. Cena comes back with a pair of flying shoulderblocks out of the corner, and hits the protoplex. Cena calls for the five knuckle shuffle, but is interrupted by Sheamus's music. Cuban jumps the rail from his ringside seat, and stands in the aisle ordering Sheamus to come no further. Finally security runs out with Cuban to stop Sheamus from getting to ringside. Sheamus walks to the back, but as Cena had his attention turned Carlito attacks from behind. Carlito goes for the back stabber, but Cena casually counters into the Attitude Adjustment which finishes things at 2:56. Thanks for playing Carlito, back to dark matches with you.
Winner: John Cena (Pinfall-Attitude Adjustment ?*)

-Randy Orton and Legacy are out for a few words. Randy says he applauds Mark Cuban for taking charge and exerting some authority. He says he has no doubt that Sheamus and John Cena will tear each other apart at TLC, and he also has no doubt that the showdown tonight will end in complete and utter chaos. He says he personally doesn't care who wins, because of what Cuban is about to do for him. Orton says Cuban is going to lift his ban, and declare that tonight whoever wins at TLC he will be the next man in line for the Championship. Cuban shakes his head no, but Dibiase decides to try to talk to him. Dibiase says he knows rich people have pride, but they don't have to be stupid. He says they don't want to have it happen again, but they want to show Cuban what happened the last time Orton and Cuban were in the same ring together. We get a clip from all the way back in 2003 at Survivor Series when Orton gave him the RKO. Cuban still says no way will he get a shot at the winner of the table match, and he also says he knows he got lucky against Kofi last week. He says the WWE refs are worse than NBA refs, and they didn't have the guts to stop the match when Legacy attacked. He says he does know Randy Orton is a competitor though, and for that he's giving him a rematch with Kofi tonight. Cuban says he however will be the referee. Rhodes says that Cuban can't talk to them like that, as they aren't Kenyon Martin and his mother. BURN! He says he knows he's just like his basketball team, and they are all talk. He challenges Cuban to a match tonight, and if Rhodes can beat Cuban Orton's ban is lifted. Cuban says we'll take it up in June after the Mavs win the NBA Title, but right now they have a match and it's on next. Primo and Bourne are out as we go to break.

Legacy vs. Evan Bourne & Primo
Joined in progress out of the break with Dibiase tagging in, and Legacy delivering a flap jack to Primo. Dibiase stomps Primo, and drives him into the heel corner before making the tag to Rhodes. Rhodes delivers a couple stomps before tagging Dibiase in to deliver a beautiful dropkick. Dibiase delivers a straight right hand, but Primo comes back with a quick backdrop. Dibiase tags out to Rhodes who delivers a shot to Bourne on the apron allowing he and Dibiase to double team. Rhodes whips Primo into the corner, but then they collide head to head knocking both men out. Both men tag out, and Bourne comes in with a hurracanrana to Dibiase. Bourne knocks Rhodes from the apron, and heads to the top only to get met by Dibiase. He goes for a superplex, but that is blocked by Bourne who delivers the double knees off the top for two. Rhodes makes the save, but he gets pulled to the floor by Primo. Bourne misses a spin kick, and Dibiase hits Dream Street to finish at 3:33. Good match for what little time we got to see. After the match Cuban has Justin Roberts announce that Legacy are being ejected from the arena.
Winners: Legacy (Dibiase pins Bourne-Dream Street **)

Maryse vs. Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly is the guest ring announcer for this one for reasons that can't adequetly be explained. I mean she's better to look at than Justin Roberts, but her voice is not something I want to listen to. Gail spears Maryse right off the bat, and delivers a clothesline. Gail hits a running shoulderblock in the corner, and then a sunset flip for two. Gail delivers a splash in the corner, and chokes out Maryse with her knee before running into a slap. Maryse delivers a slap, and then runs out of the ring before being caught by Gail who fires her back inside. Gail goes to the second rope, but Maryse takes her legs out from under her and Gail goes crashing to the mat. Maryse rolls her up in the corner, and with an assist from the ropes gets a pin at 1:29. Horrible match, but who cares? Maryse is smoking! Afterward Maryse gets all pissed at Kelly for not introducing her as the next Diva's champ, and that leads to a big brawl on the floor which Maryse gets the better of until Melina chases her off.
Winner: Maryse (Pinfall-Flair Corner Pin DUD)

-DX joins us to spread some holiday cheer. Shawn says he knows what we're thinking. They're going to get us to buy a bunch a bunch of merchandise (which he shills all of it including DX slippers), but HHH says they're not going to do it. This year is about giving, and as a token of his appreciation of their friendship Shawn got HHH a copy of Smackdown vs. Raw. HHH says he knows that's a great game because he got a free one in the mail too, and calls Shawn a re-gifter. He says he got Shawn a present, but instead Hornswoggle jumps out of the box with a DX shirt on that includes him on it. It has Shawn, HHH, and Swoggle on the front, and "World's Littlest Member" on the back. He grunts a lot, and Shawn translates that. HHH asks how he got that out of one grunt, and that leads to a big discussion about Han Solo and Chewbacca and how Han understood him. Eventually they complete break script and actually complain about who wrote this. Finally Hornswoggle ends up on top of the Christmas Tree which collapse on top of them. Oddly humorous in its own way, of course it had Hornswoggle in it so we're all supposed to hate it. Or something. I missed the IWC memo this week.

Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston
As established earlier Mark Cuban is guest referee, and Legacy is banned from the building. Kofi ducks a right hand in the corner and delivers a European upper cut which is followed by a clothesline sending Orton crashing to the floor. Kofi delivers a suicide dive, and fire Orton back inside. Kofi misses a dive in the corner, and that allows Orton to deliver a clothesline to gain control. Orton delivers a series of stomps to the abdomen, and follows up with a bodyslam. Orton delivers a kneedrop and goes to the chinlock. Orton continues the assault firing the back of Kofi's head into the mat, and goes back to the chinlock. Kofi punches his way free of that sending Orton to the corner, and then hops to the second rope for more right hands. Side Russian Legsweep connects by Kofi, and that sets up the boom drop. Kofi calls for Trouble in Paradise, but misses and Orton connects with an inverted backbreaker. Orton stalks for the RKO, but Kofi counters into a backslide and a fast count from Cuban gets the three count at 5:18. Screwy finish, but it actually makes sense for business. They're one win apiece against each other without ever truly having a proper match. Cuban goes ahead and makes that official booking the rubber match at TLC after telling Orton he'd been waiting six years to get his payback.
Winner: Kofi Kingston (Pinfall-Backslide **)

WWE United States Championship: The Miz ? vs. Mark Henry
Miz goes behind and tries for a side headlock, but he is casually thrown off by Henry who then delivers a headbutt. Miz hits the ropes and goes for a sunset flip, but Henry blocks and goes to sit on the chest of Miz. Miz moves though, and delivers a running kick to the face of a seated Henry to gain control. That is only temporary as Miz's attempt to keep the big man down only serve to fire him up. Henry picks up Miz in a press slam, but an eye rake puts a stop to that. Miz dropkicks Henry out of the ring, and then deliver a running dropkick off the apron sending Henry crashing into the ringsteps. Miz goes after him, but Henry grabs him in a choke and throws him away allowing him to roll back inside. Miz goes to the top rope, but gets caught by Henry in a World's Strongest Slam attempt. Miz counters that into a DDT which picks up the victory at 2:38. Miz escapes with the belt in what is a really strong victory that turned out relatively clean.
Winner: STILL WWE United States Champion-The Miz (Pinfall-DDT *1/4)

Mixed Tag Team Match: Eve Torres & Hornswoggle vs. Jillian Hall & Chavo Guerrero
Well this is certainly an interesting group. Swoggle starts out with Chavo, and dodges him before tagging out to Eve forcing Chavo to tag Jillian. Chavo distracts Eve allowing Jillian to attack from behind and deliver a backbreaker. Jillian fires Eve into the corner, and biels her out by her hair. Eve stops a backdrop with a kick to the face, and delivers a flying clothesline. Eve connects with a pair of dropkicks for two, and whips Jillian into the corner. A monkeyflip attempt by Eve is stopped by Jillian who goes for the backflip splash only to meet the knees of Eve. Eve delivers a sommersault legdrop which finishes at 2:12. After the match Chavo attacks Hornswoggle and throws him into the corner. Eve begs him to stop and stands in the way, but Chris Masters (who was schmoozing with Cuban at ringside) comes in to stop him from hitting Eve. Chavo pokes Masters in the chest telling him to step off which causes Masters to do the moob dance. Finally Masters takes out Chavo with a Masterlock slam and we have a face turn. This was nothing more than a comedy match, but it was far better than the "serious" divas match we were treated to earlier.
Eve Torres & Hornswoggle (Torres pins Hall-Sommersault Legdrop *1/2)

-Chris Jericho is out for a few words prior to his handicap match. Jericho tells the crowd he doesn't suck because he is the 2008 Superstar of the Year, and he will be named so again. He says he also plans on winning the OMG moment of the year, tag team of the year, and after what he does to DX Sunday he'll win match of the year as well. He says that while DX has claimed this is last match on Raw that is a fallacy. He says he's bigger than Raw and bigger than Smackdown. He's the best in the world at what he does, and he will stay on Raw as long as he wants to stay on Raw. He says at TLC DX will not win the titles, and that is a fact. He says he's never been vanquished, and never will. He says when DX is out of the WWE forever there will be one more catchphrase, and that is never underestimate Chris Jericho.

2 on 1 Handicap Match: Chris Jericho vs. D-Generation X
This one is tag rules if you're scoring at home. Shawn starts things off, and connects with a pair of chops before tagging in HHH. They double team Jericho in the corner, and another tag is made to Shawn who delivers a chop. Shawn delivers a kick to the face of Jericho and rams his face into the boot of HHH. HHH makes the tag and fires Jericho into the boots of Shawn before tagging out again. A few right hands from Shawn before another quick tag back to HHH. Jericho grabs the referee, and throws him into HHH taking out both him and the ref. That brings out Big Show (now in an all black singlet which is a far better look for him) who delivers a headbutt to Shawn and pounds on him in the corner. HHH grabs a chair from the outside, and bashes Show with it but that only makes the big man angry as he delivers a knockout punch to Show. Shawn dodges a right hand from Show and goes outside for a ladder but Jericho catches him with a baseball slide sending it crashing into Shawn. Show gets a hold of the ladder and takes both men out with it before sandwiching both men inside of it. Jericho grabs a chair and bashes the ladder with it, and then goes outside to get the belts. Jericho climbs the ladder and stands at the top with the belts. No bell, but the music started at 5:03. No contest I guess. More of an angle than a match to get the gimmick over. As if it needed it.
Winner: No Contest (N/R)

The John Cena/Sheamus showdown ends the show. John Cena is seen walking as they go to commercial.

Back from the break and Mark Cuban is in the ring to host the Championship Showdown. He introduces the #1 contender first, Sheamus. Cuban is standing at a podium with the TLC logo on it and there are tables on both sides of him. Out next is the WWE Champion John Cena.

Cuban says he is going to ask three questions and they can say whatever they want, nothing is off limits. Cuban asks Sheamus why he thinks he will win at TLC. Sheamus takes a mic and mentions Cena's WWE debut in 2002 and how it took him 3 years to win a World Title. Sheamus says it will only take him weeks and talks about how he's never been beaten in a ring or on the streets. Cena says he has no comment. Cuban asks if they're concerned about wrestling in the tables match. Sheamus answers first and says Cena won't be in any condition for a rematch after TLC. Sheamus says he's going to put Cena through two tables and shatter his backbone. Sheamus says Cena has never faced anyone like him before.

It's Cena's turn to reply now and again he says no comment. Cuban's final question here. He asks if either of them want to say directly to their opponent. Sheamus talks but Cena interrupts and says he has a question for Sheamus. Cena says Sheamus talks a lot. Cena says in 7 years he's faced just about everyone there is from up and comers to Hall of Famers, everyone from HBK to Kevin Federline. Cena says a lot of guys have said what Sheamus is saying now and he's still here after everything.

Cena says the same thing he says every week about what he's done and how he's on another level. Cena says the Champ is here... more of the same again. Cena says he will make Sheamus a footnote in WWE history. Cena says Sheamus impressed him but doesn't intimidate him. Sheamus tosses a table out of the way. Cena tosses one of the chairs and table out of the way, and the podium. Sheamus lays out Mark Cuban with a push as Cuban tried to get between them and drops Cena with a kick to the face. Sheamus starts tossing furniture out of the ring as we go to a replay. Sheamus stands up a table in the corner. Cena gets to his feet but Sheamus kicks him back to the mat. Cuban starts to get up now. Cuban and Sheamus come face to face. Cuban shoves Sheamus to the mat.

Sheamus is shocked at this. He gets back up and stares Cuban down. Sheamus hits Cuban with a knee to the gut and he goes down. Sheamus lifts Cuban over his shoulder and drives him through the table setup in the corner. Sheamus declares he is the new WWE Champion. The Dallas Mavericks at ringside get up and walk towards Sheamus. Sheamus backs up the ramp yelling about the WWE Title. Cena gets to his feet in the ring as officials tend to Mark Cuban. RAW goes off the air with Cena and Sheamus staring each other down.

