Get A Job With WWE, TNA's Six-Sided Ring, The Rock Note, & More

– WWE is looking to hire an Administrative Assistant for the writing team, audio engineer, a creative writer, assistant writer and on-air talent for announcing. You can get more information at

– Dwayne Johnson was on the Scott Van Pelt show today on ESPN Radio, discussing The Wrestler, acting, and why the Vikings are the team he is pulling for. You can check out the interview at

– TNA has announced three new live events in Pennsylvania and West Virginia taking place from Mar. 12 to Mar. 14. The events will be taking place in Erie, PA, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, West Virginia. has more information.

– As noted several days ago here on the website, TNA is taking the six-sided ring to the UK with them for their upcoming tour. It should be noted, however, that no television will be filmed while they're there not mention that it's not being brought back.

