J.R. Blogs: The Rock Returning To WWE, Lesnar's UFC Return, & More
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Returning To WWE: "Loved it on Letterman when Dwayne said that he would always be "The Rock" which was not only true but had to make wrestling fans around the Globe feel good. I don't ever see the Rock wrestling again but I know that he will host Raw sometime in the future to reconnect with his fans and to promote his latest project. I also know from the communication that Rock and I have that he still loves the business and most importantly the fans of the business who always support his film projects. There is no more positive person that I communicate with than is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson which is extremely refreshing."
Got a great email from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson this morning as he is hitting it hard promoting "The Tooth Fairy" which opens in theaters this Friday. We will be checking it out this weekend without question. Rock will be all over ESPN on Thursday and I expect him to cross paths privately and on the air with Rock's former WWE colleague Jonathan Coachman who now dons the broadcaster chair in Bristol for ESPN. Perhaps Rock will entice Coach to "dance the Charleston" as he once did on Monday Night Raw.
On Brock Lesnar: As I predicted yesterday, Wednesday morning UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar announced that he was recovering from a painful bout of diverticulitis and colon problems and will return to the Octagon "some time this summer." Always remember that bad news press conferences occur on Fridays. Having suffered diverticulitis myself along with severe colon issues I can tell you how much pain that ailment produces. I had what I felt was a run or the mill stomach ache for weeks but refused to complain about it publicly or miss Monday Night Raw because of a "stomach ache." That's being too hard headed and old school even though I was raised by a tough Dad who would have spun in his grave if he thought his son was going to miss work due to having a stomach ache. Nonetheless I let the matter go too far, which I would simply guess is perhaps Brock did as well, and when I finally got diagnosed I was 30 days away from dying and two weeks away from having to have the dreaded bag attached. My large intestine had perforated but like an idiot I tried to "work thru it."
On Mayweather-Pacquiao: Man, did boxing screw boxing when the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight fell through, for now, or what? What big pro fights are out there that the public is clamoring to see? There are none. Boxing is close to becoming non-relevant and if they don't start making hot, young stars ASAP then boxing as many of us know it will be dead. When was the last time that boxing created a new, major star specifically in the heavyweight division which carried the sport on its shoulders for generations? The stupidest people in sports may well be boxing promoters if one bases their intellect on the future of their business.
On Writing A Book: One emailer wanted to know if I would some day write my autobiography and if I did would it be with WWE or do it independently so that I could essentially "tell the truth." I have asked for more info from this individual on what truths I would need to omit if I penned a book with WWE as this person must know much more about my life than do I. My overwhelming preference would be to do the book with WWE and to simply tell my story as best I know how. Every day of my career hasn't been a bed of roses, whose life is, but I can assure any one that wants to listen that I have had MANY, more great days than negative ones in my 36 years in the biz. Nonetheless writing one's autobiography is a deeply personal matter and if I do embark on such a journey I will need a researcher and plenty of help in telling my story as I won't do it or even attempt to write a book if it isn't accurate and I refuse to write a "fluff piece." So, the jury is still out on the book but I can assure that I have some unbelievable stories starting with my first road trip in the mid 70's. The territory days were aka the "Wild West" while the refining of the corporate side of the business provided even more unique and provocative stories. My various jobs in the business have also provided me with plenty of ammo regarding some of the biggest names in the history of the business...some not so flattering...and isn't that what most folks want to read about...the underbelly of what ever one is writing about? Sad but true.
You can (and should) check out the full blog now at JRsBarBQ.com. Awesome reads as always although the poor guy has to deal with some really stupid questions. I deal with the same thing with emails on a daily basis.