Chat W/ The Bellas, Snuka/Sheik Updates, FCW Roster News will be doing a chat today with The Bellas.

Former WCW and WWE performer The Barbarian is currently featured in a North Carolina Education/Powerball Lottery advertisement. He is dressed as a sumo wrestler and painted blue.

The Iron Sheik and Jimmy Snuka doing autograph signings at Fun Station USA (3555 Victory Blvd) in Staten Island, NY. The signings are for Sports Heroes & Legends and independent promotion Warriors of Wrestling. The Iron Sheik will appear on April 3rd, while Snuka will be appearing on May 1st.

FCW has added some new names to their webpage, here they as well as who they previously were known as:

* Drake Brewer (I believe this is Joe Doering)
* Hunico (Masked wrestler – could be Super Nova perhaps)
* Jacob Novak
* Leo Kruger (might be South African wrestler Ray Leppan)
* Rudy Parker (OVW's Asher Knight)
* Tamina (I believe that's Sarona Snuka)

