JR Blogs: The Monday Night Wars, Bret Vs. Vince, & Lots More

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his official blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Some highlights:

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon: "We have many emailers that are curious to see what kind of match Bret Hart has at WM26 vs. Mr. McMahon. I am extremely anxious to see what I perceive will be Bret's last ever venture into the ring as a competitor. This is a big moment for this fan of the Hitman I can assure you. I don't expect to see any thing resembling a traditional wrestling match but I do expect this encounter to be one of the most dramatic and memorable moments on the PPV and will be a lasting memory of Wrestlemania. Not knowing what to expect makes the anticipation for this bout even better for me but for those who love to read the "spoilers" not knowing how this long awaited endeavor will go is driving some nuts. "

WWE RAW vs. TNA iMPACT!: "I have to see a "wrestling war" to believe it but if that theory does come to fruition then I will be the first to admit mistakenly saying that no such "war" will happen. There is a huge difference in being owned by a media conglomerate such as WCW Monday Nitro being owned by Time Warner and being owned by a private entity that is in the pro wrestling biz. Plus, Spike TV doesn't have the chops right now that TNT had back in the day of Monday Nitro. The lay of the TV landscape is totally different that it was in the mid to late 90's."

On Women's Wrestling: "Lots of good feedback from many of you on what I wrote about women's wrestling. Women's wrestling has not been featured on any national brands or even on successful regional companies in recent memory. Will a match involving two females ever headline a major PPV event? I don't think so. This doesn't mean that I don't think that women competing/performing in pro wrestling can't be more viable and contribute to the success of their respective teams. I am a fan of women's athletics/entertainment. It's just the simple fact that, like announcers, women wrestlers are support, role players. I hope that all the women's promotions that are popping up here and there are successful but I do feel that we will be challenged to speak of their relevancy one year from now. I hope that I'm wrong on that assumption, for the record."

On The WEC: Enjoyed the fight card Saturday night on Versus featuring WEC (World Extreme Cagefighting) as the smaller athletes rarely fail to have fast paced, exciting fights loaded with action. Even though many of the competitors were not household names to casual, MMA fans, the fights were generally compelling and fun to watch. MMA, in general, needs to do a better job of introducing their fighters to the casual fan in hopes that the casual fan will evolve to become a die hard fan via making an emotional attachment to the fighters. Plus, too many TV announcers within MMA assume that most viewers know most of the nuances of the fight game including the most commonly used insider terminology.

