Sheamus Note, Cena On Fallon, UFC Mega Fight Official, WWE Comics & More

– John Cena was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night talking about Wrestlemania. They did a good job of hyping the event during the entire segment. You can watch the full interview in our 'Videos' section by clicking here.

– Cena's not the only one hyping 'Mania in the media. Sheamus is on the cover of the 3/24 issue of Irish Voice, and there is a full page article on him in the magazine. The article talks about his rise in the WWE and hypes his match at Wrestlemania. (Thanks to Howard Lubinger) has an article about the much-anticipated bout between Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Rashad Evans being official for UFC 114 on May 29th. The fight was originally set to take place last December, but fell apart when Rampage took the role of B.A. Baracus in the new The A-Team movie, a role made popular by Mr. T. Evans made reference to the movie when talking about the fight, saying "I may come to the Octagon with Mr. T just to get in his head." For more on the fight, including comments from Rampage and UFC President Dana White, check out for all the latest UFC news by clicking here.

– What are your predictions for WrestleMania? Share your predictions on our forums by clicking here.

– A preview trailer for the WWE Heroes comic series has been released, you can watch it below:

