Another Live Report From Last Night's WWE RAW

Aaron sent this report in:

So I just got back from Monday Night Raw. I sat to the camera right of the Titan Tron. The stage is a bit smaller than I expected (I haven't been to Raw since they went HD, though I've been to a couple PPVs and house shows). The crowd stayed pretty hot, even during commercial breaks, but man, there was a 10 minute lull between commercials and the HBK tribute video package. Orton-Swagger was by far the best match of the night. Carlito-MVP from Superstars was a close second for me personally.

After Raw went off the air, Batista starts to leave the ring. David Otunga comes back out and says something like, "Dude, if you wanted a rematch, all you had to do was ask me." Then, he sets Batista-Cena for the WWE Championship, which the iWireless Center did advertise beforehand.

The match was super quick. With Cena still laid out, Batista goes for the quick cover, Cena kicks out. Batista hits the Batista Bomb and goes for the cover, Cena kicks out. Some reversals here and there, and before you know it, FU...I mean Attitude Adjustment. 1, 2, 3. Crowd goes home happy.

Biggest pop definitely went to Cena. The dude was super over with the crowd, which was mostly made up of kids and families. HHH's pop when he finally came out to battle Sheamus was also quite loud. Oh, and after Sheamus' match with Kofi, he went backstage during the entire commercial break, then came back out to the ring. Why not just cut a promo on the crowd to draw more heat, ya' know?

Biggest heat of the night goes to Batista for his Cena beatdown and Sheamus for being...well, Sheamus.

Between commercials, we saw lots of video packages for Wrestlemania (including several ads for Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta, which I plan on attending), Tribute to the Troops 2009, Shawn Michaels' "My Journey" DVD, and the "Hart and Soul" DVD set. Josh Matthews came out during the break before the Orton-Swagger match and had the cameramen put several people's signs on the Tron for a "Sign of the Night" contest, though no award was actually given. I was pissed they didn't put my badass Sheamus sign up, as I had drawn a cool caricature of him and several people in my section dug it. Whatever though!

Oh, several of the refs and Divas that exited the visible ring area to the side of the ramp walked right by our section and totally broke character to smile and say "hey" to us fans. Kelly Kelly and one of the Bellas were among those that did.

All in all, a pretty solid show, though I wish there had been WAY more wrestling on the card. I had a little more fun at the house show in Moline last summer, which was headlined by Cena/HHH vs. Big Show/Orton.

