Traci Brooks/Twitter, Who Injured Daffney?, 'Taker/HBK News, More

Partial Source:

– A photo of Undertaker putting Shawn Michaels' career to rest at WrestleMania XXVI is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated. You can view the cover at

– Recently released TNA Knockout Traci Brooks has joined Twitter. You can find her account at

Eric Sturrock sent this one along: The wrestler that was in the match with Daffney at the TNA tapings last night is also known as "Sister Ophelia" in Wrestlicious. She plays the manager of the The Naughty Girls. She has only appeared on one episode so far where she brought them to the ring and left.

– Dutch Mantell has a new blog entry up, which you can read at

